Wednesday, 1 August 2012

ICT Policy

After a year's hiatus, I thought it would be a good idea to provide something to share with others.

Some of the time over the last year was taken up in settling in to my new post. Some of that "settling in" involved investigating and creating the school's ICT Policy which was completed about three months ago and accepted by the HT.

So, for those of you who are looking for a template or even a example of an ICT policy for their Primary school, please feel free to use, edit, share and review the policy below. Obviously, since the policy is quite specific to our school, I need to point out a few key things:
1. This was the first policy I have written which has been so extensive. As such, you will need to edit the policy for your own needs,
2. Some parts have been removed where it mentions specific individuals so you can also edit those areas for your needs.
3. The policy is licensed under the Creative Commons license.
4. On mobile browsers, you may not see the embedded document. So please follow this link.
I hope you find it useful.